Our Services

When Focusing On Ability, Everything Is Possible


Assistance With Household Tasks

A Clean house is a safe and comfortable home, with less risk of accidents and illness. We assist with household tasks such as: Cooking, Gardening, Cleaning, Laundry, and other supports you require to meet your goals.


Development Of Life Skills

Assistance in Development of daily living and life skills includes the development of Focused
activities and training to enhance personal capacity to live as independent an everyday life
as possible. Some of these activities may include:
o Managing your finances, including paying your bills, using bank facilities, and planning
your expenses.
o Taking care of your health, including regular doctor visits, and following medical
prescriptions correctly.
o Doing your own shopping, including groceries, toiletries, clothing, and other necessities
o Help with Prepping and cooking your meals.



We provide support with short-term, medium-term, long-term, and Supported
Independence Living. We do this through access to our own leased properties, referrals to known accommodation providers, rental application assistance, and assistance with transportation to property inspections.


Innovative Community Participation

Innovative Community Participation can lead to improved wellbeing for people living with
disability, and their carers. Access to Community based activities in relation to health,
employment, education, and income improve life satisfaction outcomes. This enhances inclusion within the community, by engaging more people within the community and better reflects the community’s diversity. At NDSS we support our participants to engage in Innovative Community Participation

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Social And Community Participation

Being an active member of the community is known to improve quality of life as it provides a
sense of purpose. At Newdawn support services we encourage and enable you to be involved
in your community in which areas you want. We do this through providing: -Transport to
community activities -Assisting you in learning the skills required to participate -Providing you
the equipment required to access the community, and much more.

Multicultural community of young people smiling together at came

Individualised Behaviour Support Plan

Individualised Behaviour Support Plans enable those living with a behavioural diagnosis, that
usually will not be able, to engage and participate within their community

assistance with daily life

Assistance With Daily Personal Activities

Enables you to get out and about effectively. We assist with daily personal activities including
help with daily support for regular personal activities and supervision of personal daily tasks.
Examples of daily living activities include personal hygiene, dressing, mobility, and household
tasks. By providing you with a support worker that is qualified to assist you in whichever way
you require


Supported Independent Living (SIL)

SIL can also include Assistance with Daily Tasks and Shared Living supports. We also have shared and assisted living accommodation in which we provide supports tailored specifically to your requirements, be it for a few hours a day, or 24/7 High Intensity Support from Highly Skilled


Early Childhood Intervention And Support

Early childhood intervention is all about giving children with developmental delays or disability, and their families, supports to enable the child to have the best possible start in life. Through early childhood intervention, infants and young children, as well as their families, can get specialised supports and services. These services aim to promote the child’s development, the family, and the child’s well-being, and assist the child to take part in their community. We provide support to children across a number of areas, including communication, learning, memory, sensory, motor, social and emotional development.

Certifications & Awards

We are an individual provider that aim to provide services to diverse communities in Australia and our team of professionals take pride in their individualised service delivery.

©2023 NDSS All rights reserved. ABN 87 641 625 078

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